Mareta Morsylvia. Illustration. Freelance artist

Terms of service

Ignorance of the rules does not absolve you from responsibility.


Terms of service

I draw:
All kinds of animals (real/mythical), dragons, author species, monsters, landscapes, anthro (nude and clothed), clothing (ask), fan-characters (ask), cruelty (wounds, blood, limb separation, etc.), BDSM and erotic (for anthro)
Topics, that are close for me: Antique-like paintings (Greek, Roman, Renaissance, Baroque and so on periods), melancholy, dark fantasy, nature and space (constellations, planet, astronomy).
I DON'T draw:
Sparkles (with exceptions), clothing (with exceptions), fan-characters (with exceptions), humans, mecha, sci-fi, robots, cyborgs, rape, fetishes (with exceptions), weapons, difficult architecture.
Payment: Boosty, Hipolink, EasyStart (invoice), PayPal (Additional payment for interest)By ordering a commission from me, you agree with all the points of my ToS.English isn’t native for me and probably we both want to avoid misunderstanding caused by translation errors (google translate can contribute into this). Please use plain language without slang and overcomplicated sentences. Also avoid using abbreviated words. This way communication would be easier and I will understand exactly what you want.— I only work with 100% prepayment and start drawing only after receiving payment.
— The payment plan is possible, but only for works from 200 USD. 100 USD should be paid monthly.
— The work will be done only after fulfilling the payment plan.
— If order is made by multiple persons, all communication with the manager should be handled by single representative, regardless of the amount of people that paid for the commission. I will neither be involved in any quarrels among the group members nor responsible for the resulting situations. All updates will be passed to selected representative only.
—I accept characters only with REFERENCE or ART in good quality. Legible, not compressed and not broken .jpg/.png reference! If you are in doubt, you can ask and me and receive approval or refusal. Additional arts with the chosen character would be great.
— I DO NOT DO: designs based on descriptions, comics, drawings to a due date/deadline, copies of other people’s works.
—I need detailed information about your character to understand their bio, character, lifestyle and their preferences.
—If the character has some special details that aren't obvious and often messed by other artists, it’s better to specify those!
— Please offer ideas for art, pose, emotion and angle. If you don't have any wishes, you can give me creative freedom.
— If you need specific of format and dimensions of work for some personal purpose please specify it in the very beginning of my work, not in the process or final stages. Please be aware of this: my laptop is not super powerful and cannot handle more than 15k pixels on the larger side of the work.
— Commission list doesn't reflect queue, status or work order.
— If you want the art to be unpublished - please specify this before ordering. Surcharge for this: +100% of the commission price.
— I can refuse the commissions that will not work with my style or capability.
— Please be polite and respect me and I will be polite to you and respect you too. Don't get personal.

Working process

— If you suddenly decided to change the character, idea, details, technical assignment or something else after the payment was sent, you have to pay a fee for the amount of work that was already done.
— In the beginning of the work, I give you 2-4 sketches to choose from. I won’t do more options and new ideas. I can do some slight changes (combining, adding, etc.). I can use unutilized sketches as I see fit (without your character of course).
— During the sketch and a rough sketch in color stages, are free to make 5 free fixes, next should be paid. Make sure to describe everything at once and in detail to avoid misunderstanding. I don't make edits in the process of coloring and on the finished work. On the coloring or final stages of work if you miss something
because of YOUR inattention, not mine, any corrections of anatomy, pose, details or whatever will be charged extra.
— Please, state EXACTLY what I need to do. For correction, you can do the redline to show me what you mean!
— Your character will be interpreted in my style. Bear in mind than their colors will be influenced by environmental lighting. This means that there won’t be a perfect match with reference colors.
— If I don’t receive the feedback for the given WIP in two days, I will proceed with the work believing that you don’t want anything to be fixed.
— Please keep in mind that I can't fix everything with no effort since I work with a small number of layers because it is convenient for me.
— Drawing takes a lot of time: from 1 to 2 months.
— Please don't send me reminders about updates every week. The result won't appear any faster. Reminding once a month is enough.

The final stages

— If the final work has been sent to the client and no reply has been received after 2-4 days, the commission work is considered complete and no changes will be made.
— I send you art in the original size.
— You can publish art in your personal gallery, indicating my authorship or links to my gallery.
— I do not give files in .psd
— I cannot return the full price of the work to you if it has already been started. I also don’t do returns if you are unhappy with the final, so make sure that I am the artist that you need before contacting me.
— Cancellations due to commissioner behavior or poor communication will NOT BE refunded.
— It is FORBIDDEN to crop, apply effects to the image and erase my watermark.
— It is forbidden to make changes to the image yourself! If your character has changed after a long time, then I can't help it, because I don't keep .psd files for long.
— All the characters depicted on the art are owned by their authors and are not for sale. It is forbidden to use images and characters for your own purposes, projects and role-playing, if you are not the owner of the character indicated by the link under the art.
**The terms of service may be amended or updated.
Update: 07.12.2023 **


Portrait: $170+ USD

"+" means that an additional payment may be required.
Additional payment:
+ $10-30 Scales (depending on quantity and size)
+ $20 Half-Body
+100% additional character
+ $50 complex background (Sky, clouds, space, mountains, earth, grass -many plans landscape)

Full-body in antique style: $200+ USD

I'm warning you! It is without color initially and sketch (simple details)
Additional payment:
+ $30 additional color
+ $20 for wings or extra limbs
+ $20-30 for scales (Depending on the quantity)
+ $30 Ornament that Polunoch performs

Full Body - Illustration: $220+ USD

Additional payment:Character:
+ $30 for wings or extra limbs
+ $20-30 for scales (Depending on the quantity)
+ $40 complex character (If the character has a complex design)
+ 100% additional character
Base: No background. Color: White, black or gradient.
Illustration: $110+ (Depending on the complexity of the background)